Your city/state is requested to connect you to local resources. Non-identifying demographic information (like your age, city of residence, ethnicity, gender, and, type of concern) is also collected to understand the individual needs and emerging trends.
If using our chat feature, you would like to remain anonymous you can choose the “chat anonymously” option. If on a call, you can just tell the helpline specialist that you are speaking with that you would like to remain anonymous.
Your personal information will never be shared unless a specialist has reason to believe your life, or the life of someone else you identify, is in imminent danger
FANDUEL 1-609-224-1019
DRAFTKINGS 1-855-357-2377
FANATICS 1-855-346-5750
FOXWOODS 1-800-442-1000
MOHEGAN 1-888-226-7711
CT LOTTERY 1-860-713-2700
LOTTERY TECH SUPP 1-888-311-0037
The Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling (CCPG) does not advocate for or against gambling but is committed to working with all stakeholders to help individuals and families impacted by problem gambling.