About Us


The Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling (CCPG) is a non-profit agency dedicated to reducing gambling related harm and helping those who may be negatively impacted by gambling. CCPG does not advocate for or against gambling but is committed to working with all stakeholders to help individuals and families who are experiencing issues. CCPG provides Connecticut’s only 24/7 helpline- offering support, resources and referrals through phone, chat and text.

CCPG’s mission is to address gambling related harm through prevention initiatives, community outreach, education programs, advocacy, and by connecting people with resources.


Our vision is that all people in Connecticut are informed about the risks associated with gambling and can access resources for help. We seek to provide a safe space for all individuals and families seeking help for gambling related harm.

Core Values

Neutrality: We are not for or against gambling for adults.

Collaboration: We are a trusted partner and work together to advance our mission.

Accountability: We are responsible to our stakeholders.

Community:  We include diverse outreach, prevention and programming that meet the needs of all of CT’s residents.

Credibility:  We use evidence-based research to disseminate quality information

through our prevention, outreach, and training programs.

Innovation:  We identify and develop new programs and trainings to meet emerging needs.  


The National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) was founded in 1972 to advocate for the creation of treatment services for those suffering from disordered gambling and those affected. The Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling was founded in 1980 and became the first affiliate council of the NCPG.
Dedicated to preventing problem gambling and helping those who may be impacted, CCPG does not advocate for or against gambling but is committed to working with all stakeholders to help individuals and families dealing with this issue.
CCPG actively collaborates with behavioral health experts, community stakeholders, the state gambling regulatory agency, the gambling industry and the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addictions Services (DMHAS) Problem Gambling Services division to ensure the safety of our most vulnerable residents.

Dr. Marvin Steinberg

CCPG Founder

In Memory of Dr. Marvin Steinberg, CCPG Founder

December 16, 1936 – January 25, 2021

Dr. Marvin Steinberg was our friend, mentor, our organization’s founder, and our Executive Director of 30 years. Marvin was a legend who was personally involved in enacting many of the key protections that have been put in place to protect individuals and families from problem gambling. In Connecticut and across the country. We are so proud of his contributions and the legacy that he left having helped thousands of people who were in need. In his honor, the Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling has created a new fund to continue his life’s work of educating people about the dangers of problem gambling and helping them and their families to receive treatment.

Our Affiliates

The Connecticut Council on Problem Gambling (CCPG) is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization affiliated with the National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) and a preferred provider of The International Problem Gambling and Gaming Certification Organization (IPGGC ).